Novice Workshops


Novice Workshops are focused on handball between men. Workshops are also offered on other topics as well as to mixed classes of men and women at various times throughout the year.

A Novice Handball Workshop is an afternoon workshop for men who are new, or new-ish, to handball as well as those who simply want to hone their skills. This is not an advanced workshop.


To sign up for the workshop, you will need to fill out our application and release form first. Clicking “DONE” at the end of the form will take you to our payment center. GET STARTED. You will not be asked to submit payment information until you leave the application and release form.

This is designed around a workshop format. There will be about 90 minutes of discussion and Q & A in an informal atmosphere, followed by plenty of practice time. This is NOT a sex party.

Workshops are limited to the first 30 men to register by paying their $35 tuition.

Novice Workshops are open to all men regardless of age, race, body type or experience level, although advanced level and experienced players will probably get less out of the afternoon, unless they’d like to be coaches. You must be at least 18 years of age.

Doors open at noon and are locked promptly at 1:00. Late arrivals will not be admitted and there will be no refunds if you are late.

NOTE: On street parking is restricted to 2 hours on most streets, so please plan accordingly!

What your $35 tuition covers:

  • the entire afternoon–all 5 hours of it
  • the informal Q & A
  • approximately 3 hours of practice under the guidance of experienced coaches
  • bottled water, paper towels, cleaning supplies, gloves, floor covering.
  • snacks.
  • shower facilities are available for touch ups only. Please bring a towel if you think you might use the shower.

What your tuition does NOT cover:

  • Your lube. You must bring your own lube. Elbow Grease will be available for purchase on site for and additional $5. A cardinal rule of bottoming is that the bottom is always responsible for his own lube. The same applies here!
  • Coat check. We will provide drawstring trash bags and markers, but we highly suggest you just bring a backpack. No one has ever lost anything due to theft as the doors are locked, but there’s no need to bring all your valuables to the Workshop.
  • Parking.

There is no dress code. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. It’s your call and there’s no judgment either way.

Participation will be limited to the first 30 people to respond, so get your reservations in early.

There will also be lots of experienced folks on hand who will be acting as coaches. Our goal is to have one coach per station. They’ll rotate around, offering tips and advice and answering questions. For information on becoming a coach, click here: Workshop Coaches.

Topics may and often include the following:

  • Creating head space
  • Turning off the “What If” tapes
  • Developing trust
  • Scene etiquette
  • Scene do’s & don’ts
  • Proper gloving techniques
  • STD prevention
  • How to clean your playspace
  • Anatomy of the colon
  • Tips, tricks and techniques
  • Common sense considerations

There are no refunds on tuition.

We are serious about our start time. Late arrivals disrupt the afternoon. We have lots of material to cover and want to reserve plenty of time for practice. If you arrive after 1:00, the door will be locked and there will be no refunds. Thanks for being considerate to all in attendance!