As you may know, Handball Academy has been recording our Discussion Nights since last year. Our goal is to make these programs, and others, available to a much broader audience. We hope to accomplish this by making streamed content available, on a limited license basis for a nominal fee (to help cover bandwidth issues) through our website. We are also developing a list of short topic programs to be provided on the same basis.
We have contacted an individual who is willing to edit our videos for a very nominal fee. We have also found a firm which is able to compile transcripts of our programs which can then be closed captioned for the hearing impaired as well as translated into Spanish, French and “Chinese” languages so that people from around the world will benefit from the information we are generating.
As you might imagine, these services are not free, but we think the arrangements we have made are very reasonable.
Editing video for a 90 minute program is going to cost about $100. Preparing transcripts will cost about $150. Translation and closed captioning services will add to the cost eventually, but we are not quite ready to go there yet.
Sponsoring an entire program will cost $250 for the video editing and transcription. If you are wanting to help, but cannot afford to sponsor an entire program, you could sponsor either the editing or the transcription. Of course any contribution, however small, is greatly appreciated.
Everyone who contributes toward the costs of the programs will receive a PBS style acknowledgment at the begging and end of the program. As we expect that our 501(c)(3) tax exempt status will be approved this year, all donations will be tax deductible.